Hi Friends,
Today I want to share with you an jaw-dropping, dribbling, delicious brownie recipe. I LOVED baking in December, I found it really soothing and relaxing so I've decided that once a month I'm going to bake!
This month it's brownies and oh it is a good one.
You will need:
200g dark chocolate
150g butter
225g caster sugar
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
75g plain white flower
A pinch of salt
Let's get the boring bit over: preheat your oven to 180C and line your brownie tin with baking paper.
Step 1) You want to take a pan of water and gently let it boil without bubbling over, a pretty low temperature. Then break up the chocolate and put it in a large mixing bowl, with the butter, over the water until it has all melted. Make sure you're not using a plastic bowl (as I have done in the past...) or it will melt the bowl I'm afraid folks! Then remove the bowl from the heat.
Step 2) Add the sugar and mix, then repeat this with the eggs! Recipes always say to use a wooden spoon... which I'm never 100% certain WHY but it actually does make a difference!
Step 3) Add in the flour and salt and finish mixing WITH YOUR WOODEN SPOON! And voila, the mix is made!
Step 4) Pour your mix into the tray and spread it evenly so it doesn't rise on a slope. Also dip your finger in and try a bit because it'll be delicious.
Step 5) Bake for 35 minutes and leave it to cool for 10.
Step 6) Grab a cup of tea, glass of milk, or your preferred beverage, put on your favourite TV show and lie down on the sofa with a bit of brownie (or the entire tray) and relax!
I hope you all enjoy this recipe! Please give it a go, the brownies are so squishy and chocolaty, they're worth a go!
Love & hugs,

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